BVEE Principal's Message
Dear Buckeye Valley Community,
Welcome to Buckeye Valley East Elementary!
Whether you are a newcomer or a long-standing member of the community, you should know that we have
some wonderful things happening at BV East each day. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that every student
sees our school as a safe, happy, and fulfilling place. We work to help our students become the best versions
of themselves through their learning and by following the Baron way as responsible, respectful, and safe
In addition to a focus on academic excellence, our East staff offers extra-curricular activities such as Spanish
Club, Math Club, Stem Club, Culture Club, ROX, and Girls on the Run. Our fourth and fifth grade students
have monthly career exploration opportunities, and we welcome speakers from the community. We believe
that it is important to help our students learn new skills and develop new understandings that will contribute to
their schooling and careers in the future.
I am extremely proud and honored to be in my first year as a Principal here! Overall, this is my 25th year in
education, having served in suburban, urban, and rural schools in the past. I feel like all roads have led me
back to Buckeye Valley Local Schools. I am a Buckeye Valley resident, a member of the BV class of 1992,
and always a Baron.
Yours in Education,
Leah Ann Childers